I love concerts. And I never go to them because they’re so expensive. It really, really bums me out. Some people love the movies. Others, a sporting event. Me, I’d prefer a good concert.
So this year I decided that I WILL go to a concert. And that that concert would be Keith Urban, my favorite. He is a wicked good guitar player.
He isn’t coming to
I was soo excited. I mean, I was finally going to see Keith Urban. I was going to work extra hours at my extra job to make this happen. I watched Keith’s website for when tickets would go on sale.
Then I saw a “save the date” magnet on our fridge, marking our good friends’ wedding this summer. For August. August 2. The date of my date with Keith Urban.
WHY??? I wanted to curse my friends for choosing that date. But I fought the urge. Instead, I looked online for the next closest show. There is one in
Excuse me????
$116 to sit so far away I can’t even confirm if the man standing on the stage is actually Keith Urban? So far away that I can’t even see the guitar that he’s playing fiercely?
No thanks.
So now I am sitting in my office, fighting back the tears. I don’t often look forward to things because they usually don’t happen. At least, that’s my experience. JB tells me that I’m a Debby Downer because of this. Well, being a Debby Downer is a lot easier on one’s emotions than to be crushed by this kind of news!
1 comment:
if you decide you want to road trip to Nashvegas for his july 5th concert, you can totally stay w/ me. :)
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