We have received so many wonderful gifts for our child--it's overwhelming how generous people are! As I got the baby room ready this last weekend, I decided to take a photo of some of my fav things that baby H will get to enjoy.
There are homemade items (like the blankets), unique used things found in a second-hand store or something (Seuss book and Kittens book), and bitchin' clothes.
Most of the homemade items are on the left. I would like to give props to the people who made something, as I understand the time and love that went in to them:
- Pink and white blanket: Andrea
- Green and White blanket (Go STATE!): Heather P.
- Yellow blanket: Beth's mom
- Pink knit hat: Grandma Hunt
- Striped bolero sweater (isn't it the bomb?!???): Lizzy from London
- White sweater: Mom Marian
- Pink bibs: Sarah D.
- Burp cloths with blue and brown ribbon: Jess F.

Thank you to all who have helped us get ready for this kid. We couldn't have done it without every single one of you!!
"Blog a day" till labor, great idea!
Cute baby stuff btw. The little blue Tshirt is funny! The poor kid needs some U of M gear though!!!! :-)
Thanks. The "9 months on the inside" shirt is from Tommy and Virginia. It cracks me up.
love your your knitted items :) love the green dress on the far right too :)
thanks for the links on your site. We're moving up in the rankings!
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