It's funny how children sudden have full blown personalities and conversational skill. Maybe not funny, more startling than funny. Case in point...
This Sunday morning April had a migraine on top of pregnancy sickness and something I had eaten was reeking havoc on my digestive track. Result? No church for us.
*Friends/family without children, you have no idea what a luxury it is to be able to rest and recuperate from an illness without a (nearly) two year old, bouncing up on down and demanding one's attention. You never know how good you it is until it's gone...*
April took the lion's share of child duties this morning and on my turn O continued to demand April's presence making it nearly impossible for her to rest.
In a last ditch effort I asked, "Do you want to watch a show?"
"No thanks. -pause-I can watch show. I guess."
I swear she wasn't expressing herself like this a week ago. Hard to believe she'll be two in a month...
1 comment:
Genius child.
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