Olivia received a package from Great Aunt Rhonda on Saturday, containing what Rhonda hoped would be Olivia's first purse:
1.) It IS her 1st purse!
2.) Isn't it the cat's meow?? I love it! (And not just because the purse reads, "My Mother, My Friend." haha.) It's the perfect size for her, and as she loves containers, she's going to put some major miles on this thing. Thank you, Great Aunt Rhonda!! :)
3.) The reason JB commented on Rhonda's timing was that today Grandma Marian brought back The Mother-lode of clothes for Olivia, after her recent shopping sprees in Florida. She and her friend Lizzy (aka Nanny Liz) are shopping professionals. They hit all the right stores and know all the right ways to find deals, etc. And they never tire of walking the malls. When I spoke with Marian yesterday she said that she bought so many things for Olivia that she to pack O her own bag for the flight. When I got to her house today, I saw that it was an Adidas duffle bag full. Not, say, a plastic shopping bag. But an entire duffle bag. (Okay, so there were some pretty shirts in there for me, too, but it was mostly O's!) Included was another beautiful toddler's bag. Marian pointed out that this is a beach bag, though, so Rhonda's is still O's only purse.
Here is a shot of most of the clothes. I am amazed at and grateful for Mark and Marian's generosity. I won't have to buy O anything for Spring/Summer except for rainboots. Isn't that incredible?? The beach bag is in the top left corner, with a matching blue polka dot sunhat and polka dot outfit. There are polka dot sunglasses, too. I wish that half these things came in my size.
There is an outfit, a sunhat, and sunglasses missing in the above shot. But don't worry, you still get to see them, just on the model. O was so enamored with the pink sunhat that she insisted on wearing it at naptime:
Agh! I can't resist! Here's her in the polka dot hat. I wish they made this in MY size!
AHHH! She is so adorable I can hardly stand it. :-) So glad she liked the purse. Thanks for all the pictures, April.
Great shopping trip, Marian. You ARE the queen. I'm glad I was able to train under you for a few years.
April, I'm SURE that someone out there could make you a hat like that...if there isn't already one made.
Love, GREAT Aunt Rhonda (I'm enjoying this title.)
OMG! She has such a personality on her! But how could she not? She's a Teague! And we're all pretty bonkers, :)
Oh my gosh, you hit the motherlode! Can Marian shop for me when our kids come?! That is awesome! And that purse is the cutest thing!
She looks so pretty!!! The clothes look adorable...little girls are so much fun to dress : )
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