We got there ahead of the other car of Teagues, so it was just Aunt Annie and us for a little bit. Which was perfect for Olivia, who loves Aunt Annie, and who also needed some quiet times. So Annie changed O and put her in her jams and the little girl started to feel a little better.
Then we opened presents. I made something for everyone this year except for Dad, who got fishing gear. I cannot make fishing gear. Though I did give him and Mom a copy of the Les Cheneaux calendar that I'm in. So that was kind of homemade.
Anyway, I did not take photos of everything, but here are some of the things that I made:

Okay, so I didn't make the French drawing on the left that Annie got. But I did dig it out of a pile of art at an estate sale and took the time to go back the next day when everything was 50% off. I think my favorite thing I made for Teagues was Tommy's MSU Vernor's picture in the middle there. I self-matted a double mat for that sucker. And I like it so much I'm going to make one for myself! I also made Mom an upholstered cushion for her kitchen bench, and matted for Krystal a photo I took of our beloved pet, Reba.
Present breakdown: Again, too much to name, but most memorable gifts were a mega-giftcard from Tommy to my favorite quilting shop, Smith-Owen. He was sneaky and picked it up when he was in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago. I had no idea he did that. V. cool! K embroidered each of us a pillowcase that she (er, MOM) made. K does beautiful embroidery. And since my old purse was dead (I bought it over six years ago when I was in Nashville for cousin Sarah's wedding!), JB and Annie put their dollars (and Anne's Macy's discount) together and got me this:

After presents were opened and Olivia went to bed, it was game time. Our last game of the night was Apples to Apples, which by that time, our Czechoslavakian maid, Rachel, was there to play.
Some quotes:
Krystal : "I think Abraham Lincoln was ugly!"
Tommy, looking at K: "People have told me that I look like Abraham Lincoln."
"If you pick Broadway, the terrorists win!"
"I did not tie a couch to my back!! It was a (upholstered) chair!" (True Story.)
And of course, as many family conversations tend to do, the talk came around to bodily functions. Don't everyone's family conversations do this?
So a few hilarious stories were told, causing tears to come to our eyes.
Then it was my turn to pull out a card for people to choose a definition for: Nasty.
The entries were thrown into the middle of the table and I picked them up and flipped them over, revealing two "fill-in-the-blank" cards. Anne shouted out, "FECES!" for her entry. Tommy couldn't top that one, I thought. But I didn't give him enough credit, as he said, "Dad's horseshoe-shaped turd!"
No contest.
"Tommy's feces wins!" I said.
Hope you all had a wonderful, horseshoe-shaped-turdless Christmas!
OMG gross and funny all at the same time.
Best Apples to Apples at my Grandma and Grandpa's house, as played by 6 year old cousin Nolan:
The word was "peaceful."
Nolan played the card "Beets."
And he won the hand. :)
Thanks for the laugh, H! :)
The horseshoe-shaped turd needs to be put into context though...the story was told earlier of the largest poop ever. One day the History Channel will be doing a documentary on that thing it was so epic.
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