I traveled to Mayville to visit my family last weekend, and on Saturday us girls went down to Berkley to help my Aunt Carol with her neighborhood’s annual garage sale.
This year her sale was extra special because all the proceeds from her sale are going toward the fundraising for the "Susan G. Komen for the Cure" Breast Cancer Walk that she does each year (my aunt is a breast cancer survivor). This year her and my cousin are doing the walk together.
I had only been to the garage sale once before, and this year when I went around, I could tell that our sale was the best by FAR. All of our family brought in stuff to sell, as usual. There were MOUNTAINS of clothes in all sizes, and the clothes were nice quality—not ratty stuff that you usually find at a yard sale. We had furniture, jewelry, household, you name it.
My mother personally contributed one large “extended bed” pickup truck load and one carload to the sale. My cousin Bonnie asked Anne and I, “This was only a year’s worth of stuff? Where does she GET it all?!???” Good question, as my mother doesn’t shop anywhere except for Salvation Army and Victoria’s Secret (yes, weird combo). She’s not a shopper, but man, can she accrue stuff! (Okay, some of it is due to my sisters' castaway clothes, too.) My sister Annie and I had to remind our mom not to acquire any new treasures from the yard sales, as this is how it all starts. There is this large walkin closet at my mom’s house that used to be my brother’s bedroom and every year it becomes PACKED with stuff that she ends up bringing to the big yard sale.
So we had a little motto for my mom:
“Just say no to knick-knackery and pack-rattery!”
She kept repeating that mantra. She did a good job, as I don’t think she bought a single thing!
(However, my Granny, her mom, was another story. She is a true collector. Though we told her that anything she wanted was free, she insisted on paying, and purchased at least $60 in garage sale items. LOL. She shopped the sale the entire time, either selling things to shoppers or herself.)
People hit the sale in droves. It was crazy. At the end of the day, the sale had grossed over $750. My aunt said that was double what they’ve ever made in their sale, which she has been doing for probably 10 years. Yay!!!
If you want to help the fight against Breast Cancer, you can donate via my aunt’s page:
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