Monday, May 26, 2008

To all the men and women in uniform who have served this great country,


Grandpa Don Fraser, post-Korean War. (His father, Don Fraser Sr., served WWI, stateside.)

Grandpa Keith Hunt, WWI, Pacific Theater. (No photo from back then at my disposal, but perhaps he played the taps at one time, and it looked a little like this.)

Grandpa Carl Teague, WWII, mechanic.

Dad Tom Teague, Vietnam. (No photos at my house of him there, but here's one he took during that time. Perhaps this was when they were being discharged.)


Michigan Girl said...

April--Brian LOVED this post. Awesome pictures and tribute. Way to remember what is important and the service these folks paid to our country.

Heather N.

saraho said...

I love the picture of Grandpa Hunt!! Classic! Awesome tribute!